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7 Tips to Enhance Relationships with Chinese Girls

Are you one of the thousands of foreign men considering Chinese women for marriage?

Do you find the beauty and grace of Chinese women alluring? Want to know more, but don’t know where to start?

Well…, we know most of the answers. Really. We have vast experience in “foreign relationships”. We know all about Chinese women and what makes them tick. And what turns them off.

So, we decided to put together a set of great tips for you. Some pointers to help you unlock the mystique of Chinese women:

beautiful chinese girl

(1) Research is paramount

you surely know that China is a huge country. With an enormous population, of which +/- 50% are Chinese women. But do you know that women from Shanghai are simply not the same as women from Beijing? From Guangzhou they’re totally different than from Dalian. Do some homework.

(2) Cultural challenges

Even in your own country, we’re sure that the southerners are culturally different from the northerners. Naturally, your customs and beliefs are unlikely to be the same as Chinese women who grew up on the other side of the world. Spend some time to learn about Chinese cultural matters.

(3) Educational levels

Chinese women are, by and large, very smart. Astute in business and very worldly. Yet, try to make sure your Chinese woman’s educational levels are reasonably close to yours. You do want to have something to talk about apart from mundane matters, right?

(4) Language skills

Learn some Chinese. Maybe just enough to get by. Get you around town; or chat with the potential in-laws. It might/might not help with the communication gaps. But it will certainly get you some credibility with the family of your Chinese woman.

(5) Why do Chinese women look for foreign men?

Have you ever wondered why? Good looks, handsome; well mannered, polite; motivated in business and caring for the [extended] family? Rich? Take your pick but be sure you understand why your Chinese woman chose you as her man.

(6) Heart of the matter

if you are dating women in your home country, you’ll probably try and keep your emotions in check and won’t let your heart rule your head. Why should it be different with Chinese women? Don’t make hasty decisions based simply on the beauty of the apparition in front of you!

(7) Proceed with caution

we know this might sound ominous, but stay rational. When confronted with a Chinese beauty, so many men “act now, think later”. Dating is fine; for the longer the period the better. Engagements are wonderful; but make them for more than a few weeks. The end game may be wonderful too, but honeymoons don’t last forever…

As Chinese continues to open up, there are more and more Chinese women looking for marriage with foreign men. Most make great wives. You need to make a great husband too. And this truly starts by really knowing who you are marrying.

Enjoyed our 7 great tips? Comments and thoughts always welcome. Oh…, and be sure to share this with others, see what they think…

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